Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Longest Day

We charged out of the CRBC parking lot full of passion and covered by the full armor of God. Within two hours, we faced our first challenge.

The alternator light on the Orange Bus was so red. During the hour of downtime, we watched God provide a rest stop, a breeze, some cloud cover, and jumper cables.

The jumper cables came with a truck driver who needed to hear God's truth. Bus repairs and witnessing-- what an odd pair. Once again, we were off to conquer the world. As we pulled into San Antonio, the horrible alternator light showed itself again. We managed to limp into a Luby's parking lot. Dinner first-- bus worries later. Well, the Orange bus would not start. After much pain, the Green bus left the Orange bus behind with the promise to return with another bus. While we were waiting for the bus that was not to come, we managed to praise God for two hours, witness to our bus driver and have wheelchair races in the parking lot.

A long eight hours later, we were on the road to Laredo. We arrived to find another bus waiting for us. However, we soon discovered the bus was smaller. Fortunate for us, God knows how to pack buses. It all fit. We were off again. We remained undeterred through borders, rain storms and accidents. Arriving roughly 32 hours after we started, we stopped to praise God for his perseverance and armor.

-Greg West, Orange Bus Leader

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