Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Hello everyone back home.

Today has been an amazing day. It is the second day of Vacation Bible School and already I have been blessed so many times. I, along with my team, are at a local church here called Ebenezer. The church originally was only one room but over the past years the construction team has been able to add another room behind it. And I just want to say that the construction team is awesome. Those guys never quit. They're at it from 8:00 am 'till 6:00 pm or later, and I never hear them complain. Today, they were building a roof in the rain. It has truly been amazing what they have been able to do.

Today, at VBS, the children learned about Jesus and how He is the son of God. Thankfully, we have ladies from the church that teach the lessons for us because my spanish is terrible. Then the kids normally go to crafts. And I tell you that if it weren't for my other team members, the craft would be impossible. It is truly amazing to see how God has given each person a purpose on this trip and many times more than one.

It took me all of five minutes to fall in love with the kids. They're all just full of life and seem so grateful. Which is always refreshing and takes me aback because I realize growing up in the States, I can be very ungrateful. And today was even more amazing because the mime team came to our site. The skits they do are, simply put, amazing. Probably the best way to break the language barrier without learning the language. They have been bringing people to Jesus left and right. I know at Ebenezer, a site of about 20 kids, six to eight children came to know the Lord. It has been awesome to see God work through the mime team. It seems that everywhere I look, God is working. I'm excited for the rest of the week and to see what God has in store for us.
God bless you all and thank you for your prayers.

-Matt Callender

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