Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mexico 2010- Lessons at Che Guevara

Hola amigos! This morning my VBS group headed to Che Guevara, about 15 minutes outside of downtown Irapuato. It is a community hit hard by economic depression, crime, and poverty.

Wednesday morning marked our third morning at Che Guevara and each day has brought us more and more people hungry for God.

A rough dirt floor, a part tin/ part tarp roof and a couple dozen white plastic chairs is the small church of Alpha and Omega at Che Guevara, where we held VBS. And for the people of this community it is an answer to prayers. The economic situation of Che Guevara may be depressed, but the people are not. Smiles, laughter, hugs, and songs of small children all the way up to mothers and grandmothers have filled that building every morning.

I have been so blessed at Che Guevara. Despite my best efforts to be the blessing, it seems that the roles have been reversed. God has used the children and the leaders to teach me to love life and especially my God through thick and thin; finding my joy in Him every step of the way. I know I will never forget it.

Good night and adios!

-Deborah Shaffer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can they be happy with so little and how can we be so unhappy with so much? It is not about what you have but who you have in your heart and life!